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3.Sacred Heart of Jesus Accompanies Me

        Mrs. McDonald and her son had just returned from Mass on the First Friday in June.   “Mother,” said Adrian, “how nice it is that we have been able to finish our nine First Fridays before starting for Europe!”   “Yes, my son, surely the Sacred Heart will protect our voyage.”

        The following Monday, Adrian and his mother started for the continent.   The first two days at sea were delightful, but on the third a terrible storm broke forth.   The passengers were terrified, as the great steamer was rocked from side to side.   At each lurch of the boat, cries of terror arose from those in the cabins.

        Adrian took from his coat a badge of the Sacred Heart and, kneeling beside his mother, kept repeating,   “Sacred Heart of Jesus,   I place my trust in You!”   Then he added the words that were printed on the badge,   “Cease, the Heart of Jesus is with me!” 

        One by one, the passengers followed the child’s example and prayed for help.   Adrian’s faith was rewarded, for Jesus, who at the prayer of His apostles calmed the storm at sea, now repeated His command of “Peace, be still!”   and, in a short time, the tempest ceased.

        Adrian and his mother went on deck to view the rainbow which had appeared.   Mrs. McDonald said,   “That is the sign God gave Noah that He would never send another flood.” Adrian paused a moment, then replied,   ”I think today the Sacred Heart sent it to prove that He will keep the promises He made to St. Margaret Mary.”