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15.The Trustworthiness of Sacred Heart of Jesus

     The shrill siren of the ambulance brought the nurse to the elevator door to meet the new patient for her ward.   After making him as comfortable as possible, she came to get the history of the case.   When she asked the man what his religion was, he said,  “I am a Catholic, but I do not wish to be bothered with a priest.”   The nurse suggested that if he were very ill, it would be a good thing to make his peace with God, but he replied that he knew his own business.

        The following day when the chaplain made his rounds, the nurse told him about the new patient.   The priest smiled and said “You are not sending me to him but I am going just the same.”   Father entered the room where the sick man lay and recognized in him a boyhood playmate.   At mention of the fact the man remarked, I remember the tricks you used to play,” and they both laughed heartily at the recollection of them.

        The priest, finding the man in such a pleasant humor, attempted to speak of the necessity of approaching the sacraments, but the moment he mentioned this matter the patient replied,  “Father, you are welcome to visit me but never let me hear any talk of religion.”  “Well, I shall pray to the Sacred Heart for you.   You cannot object to my doing that,” laughed the priest.   The man smiled but made no answer.

        Two Sisters of Mercy visited the hospital a few days later.   One of the Sisters knew the man, as he had been employed by her father some years previously.   They spoke of this and of other matters without touching on the subject of religion.   At last the Sister broached the question do repugnant to the patient.   He listened but said that he did not want to go to confession.   At the Sister’s suggestion, he promised to say one “Hail Mary” and allowed her to pin a Sacred Heart badge over his heart.   As he looked at it, he remarked that his mother had told him that if he wore the badge no harm would come to him.  “Your mother is pleading with the Sacred Heart for you now in heaven and she wants to meet you there.”  said the Sister.

        Many prayers were offered by the Sisters that this soul would make his peace with God, and their pleading was not in vain.   A few days later he asked for the chaplain and received the sacraments.   That night he died.   Again our Lord had kept His promise that sinners would find a refuge in His Heart!