Home > 24.母子連心
葛愛華沒有取得母親的同意就入伍海軍,當他要離開家的那一天。 他的母親規勸道:「愛華,我不喜歡海軍,我希望妳不要去。但至少你得答應我要永遠佩帶耶穌聖心牌。」 「母親,妳不用擔心,因著妳的祈禱,我佩帶的耶穌聖心牌會保護我免受傷害。」 他母親嘆了一口氣,因為她明白,危險會等著他,但是說什麼也沒用,幾小時後他就走了。 愛華離開加州的家去加入海軍,起初愛華都忠於他的宗教信仰,儘可能的領受聖事;但是日子久了,他變得粗心,信也不寫了,每天母親空等著郵差的到來。 幾年過去了,有一天他的船停泊在紐布威的聖若望碼頭,隨軍的司鐸是一位熱心的神父,當船抵達港口時,他邀請人們,而且成功的讓他們在彌撒聖祭中恭領聖事,愛華是其中之一,他辦了告解和領聖體。 彌撒結束後,愛華到更衣所去見神父,問他可否給他一個耶穌聖心牌。 「神父,我答應我的母親要永遠佩帶耶穌聖心牌,我保持我的許諾,但是它已經破損了。」 神父給了他幾個聖牌說:「你忠於你的許諾,所以得到很多恩寵。」 「是的,這也歸功於我母親的祈禱。」 「一定要寫信告訴你的母親,說你已經在天主內享受平安。」 在加州的小房子裡,愛華的母親快死了,醫生已經說了不會超過這一天,她很安祥,手中拿著耶穌聖心牌,她祈求聖心的仁慈給一個記號,證明她的兒子在天主內享平安,門鈴響了,女兒去開門,她聽到女兒的叫喊,葛太太向照顧她的護士耳語:「我要聽愛華的信。」 一會兒,年輕女兒進來,因著長久祈禱的期待母親的眼睛發亮,嘴唇帶著微笑。 瑪麗唸著:「耶穌聖心的聖牌還在我的胸懷,因著聖心的仁慈,我找到平安和幸福,將來我會更警醒,更誠心的努力不違背聖心的仁慈。」 微笑掛在母親的唇邊,她在聖心的愛內找到平安和安息。 24.Mother and Child With Heart Edward Grey, without consulting his mother, had enlisted in the Navy. On the day of his departure, his mother remonstrated: “Edward, I do not like the idea of the Navy. I wish you would not go. At least promise me that you will never fail to wear the badge of the Sacred Heart.” “Do not worry mother. With your prayers and the badge I shall wear, what harm could possibly befall me?” His mother sighed for she realized the dangers that awaited him, but it was useless to say more, and in a few hours he left home. At first Edward was faithful to his religious duties, receiving the sacraments whenever possible, but, as time went on, he grew careless, his letters ceased and his mother waited in vain for the arrival of the postman. Many years had passed since Edward had left his home in California to join the Navy. His vessel at present was docked at St. John’s New Brunswick. The pastor of the sailor’s chapel was a very zealous priest, and, whenever a vessel arrived in port, he visited the men and succeeded in getting them to assist at Mass and receive the sacraments. Edward was of the number of those who accepted the priest’s invitation. He made his confession and received Holy Communion. When Mass over, Edward approached Father L. in the sacristy and asked if he had a Sacred Heart badge to give him. “Father, I promised my mother that I would never go without one and I have kept my word, but this is sadly worn.” The priest gave him several and added, “I am sure that you owe the grace you have received to your fidelity to your promise.” “Yes, and to my mother’s prayers.” “Be sure to write and tell her that you have made your pace with God.” In a little home in California, Edward’s mother lay dying. The doctor had said that she could not last through the day. She was calm, and in her hands she clasped a badge of the Sacred Heart. She pleaded with the Heart of mercy for one sign that her boy was safe with Him. The doorbell rang and she heard an exclamation from her daughter, who had answered the call. Mrs. Grey turned to the nurse who was watching beside her and whispered, “I want to hear Edward’s letter.” In a few moments the young girl came in with the long-expected answer to prayer. The mother’s eyes brightened and a smile was on her lips as Mary read, “The badge is still upon my breast and in the Heart of mercy I have found peace and happiness. In the future I shall be more watchful and earnest in my striving never to offend so merciful a God.” The smile lingered on his mother’s lips, but she had found rest and peace in the Heart of Love! |