Home > 18.有道德勇氣的青年
































18.A Brave & Virtuous Youth

     Charles Jordan sat at his desk feeling utterly disgusted with himself.   His parents had insisted on sending him to a secular college and he had become friendly with a reckless set of young men.   Today he had failed in class and he realized that the dances, amusements and games at which he spent his time were undermining the good principles he had been taught in his early days at a Catholic school.

        His head ached and he could not study, so he decided to take a walk.   He had not gone far when a thunderstorm made him seek shelter in a nearby church.  He knelt before the shrine of the Sacred Heart, but the appealing look in the eyes of the statue made him feel more miserable than ever.  To divert his thoughts, he glanced over a leaflet that was on the seat. It proved to contain the Promises of the Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary.   One attracted his attention.  “I shall bless the undertakings of those who are devoted to my Sacred Heart.”  He wondered what it meant and decided to ask a priest who was just entering the church.   Father explained that there were many ways of honoring the Heart of Jesus, but one of the easiest was to have a picture, and each time you looked at it to say some aspiration such as,  “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You!”

        The young man was turning away, when the priest remarked,  “You look disturbed.  Is there any way in which I can help you?”  “Father, I feel as though I am drifting away from God.”  “Well, my boy, there is an anchor to which you may cling – the sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist.”   Charles thought for a few minutes, and the priest, who realized that a battle was being fought in the boy’s soul pleaded with the Heart of mercy.  “Father, if you will hear my confession, I shall strive to cling to that anchor in the future.”

        On leaving the church, Charles went to a religious store and asked for a picture of the Sacred Heart, but found that the only one available was beautiful but quite large.   He hesitated for he realized the amount of comment that his companions would pass if he brought this to the college.   The pleading eyes of Christ conquered his human respect and the purchase was made.

        When Charles appeared on the campus, he was immediately assailed with questions about the parcel he was carrying.  “Let’s go to the opening,”  said one of the party and immediately he was followed by a procession of the teasing young men.  Charles felt very uncomfortable, but he knew he must face the matter sometime, so he decided that he might as well have it over with as soon as possible.   Entering the room, he removed the wrappings and placed the picture upright on his desk.   A silence fell on the group and unconsciously every boy removed his hat.   For a few minutes all was still, then one remarked,  “Come, boys – since Charles has become pious this is no place for us.”  Laughing, they left the room.   There was one young man more serious than his companions who still lingered as if spellbound.   He turned to Charles and said,  “It required moral courage for you to bring this here, and you are one I would like to have for a friend.”   He extended his hand.  Charles grasped it and merely said,  “Thank you!”

        A few days later James Kent said to Charles,  “Would you mind telling me what prompted you to bring that picture to the college?”   Charles produced the little leaflet which was on his desk and explained its meaning to his friend.   Although James said little, he was very much impressed.  He watched Charles and  noticed how he went out each morning to assist at Mass and receive Holy Communion.

        The professors had no longer any cause to complain, for Charles was standing high in his classes.   The careless lads with whom he had associated ceased to frequent his room, for they felt uncomfortable under the gaze of that picture.  The boys of a more serious character admired and respected Charles and were proud to have him for their friend.

        June came and one evening James Kent asked Charles to accompany him for a walk.   To Charles’ surprise, he directed his steps to the rectory where Father McGuire opened the door as if expecting him.   Charles was bewildered, but James laughed and said,  “I have a surprise for you.  Father is going to baptize me tonight and I want you to be my godfather, for it is thanks to you that I have obtained this grace!   Your picture has brought about my conversation, and ‘the Heart of Jesus has blessed my undertakings.”

        After he sacrament of Baptism had been conferred on James, the priest turned to Charles and asked,  “What plans have you formed for your future?”  Charles smiled,  “I, too, have a surprise for you.   Next month I am going to enter a religious Congregation and in time I hope to become a missionary.”  James added, “You preached your first mission when you brought that picture of the Sacred Heart here, and I am your first convert.”