Home > 23.英勇救人的女孩
離緬因州卡拉依市不遠的克羅斯河邊,有一座燈塔,是為了那些要經過危險地區的人而設的警告照明,附近有一間茅屋,住著燈塔的守望者和他的兩個女兒。 一個晚上,有三個人在小船上,正向卡拉依市划來,天色很黑,當他們划到離燈塔不遠的地方,忽然在一個人在座位上動了一下,船就翻了,所有的人都在水裡掙扎,幾分鐘後,他們把船翻過來,爬回船上呼救; 燈塔的守望者不在家,在茅屋裡的兩個女孩聽到了呼救聲,不敢冒生命的危險前去搭救,忽然,從水面上傳來一陣陣: 「耶穌聖心,救救我們!」的呼救聲。 妹妹說:「我要去救他們。」 她的姐姐勸阻她說:「這些人可能是喝醉了酒,他們會翻覆妳的船,你會被淹死的。」 妹妹回答:「我敢確定,喝醉酒的人不會呼求耶穌聖心的助佑。」 她去了,成功的把他們營救出來,轄區的政府送給她一封信和一條美麗的船,嘉獎她的勇敢救人,美國政府也表示欣慰與感謝,而且永生冊子上,更記載了這件在耶穌聖心內的英雄事蹟。 23.A Brave Girl Saves the People On the bank of the St. Croix River, not far from the city of Calais, Maine, stands a lighthouse which is a beacon to those who have to pass that dangerous spot. At a short distance from there is the cottage where the keeper lives with his two daughters. One night three men in a small boat were rowing in the direction of Calais. It was very dark and when they had reached a point not far from the lighthouse, a movement on the part of one of the occupants of the boat caused it to upset and soon all were struggling in the water. In a few moments they managed to cling to the upturned boat and call for help. The lighthouse keeper was not at home. In the cottage, the two women listened to the cries, yet feared to risk their lives. Suddenly the words, “Sacred Heart of Jesus, save us!” were wafted over the waters and the cry was repeated over and over again. The younger of the two women said, “I shall go and save them.” Her sister tried to dissuade her, saying, “These men may be intoxicated and they will upset your boat and you will be drowned.” “No,” replied the younger, I am sure that no man who is intoxicated would call on the Heart of Jesus for help!’ She went to the men’s rescue and succeeded in saving their lives. The Dominion Government sent her a beautiful boat and a letter in recognition of her brave deed, and the United States Government also showed its appreciation; but in the Heart of Christ was recorded a deed of heroism that will be written in the book of life for all eternity!