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30.The Sacred Heart of Jesus Loves People Unlimitted

        The golden rays of the setting sun were tinting the white walls of a room in Mercy Hospital.  An old lady lay sleeping, while a nurse sat by the bedside watching the beautiful face, always so calm and peaceful.  The patient opened her eyes and smiled,  “You are still watching, Sister.”

        “Yes,” replied the nun, “and I have been thinking of your wonderful confidence in God.”

        “Sister, I shall tell you how I came to have such unbounded    trust, if you have time to listen to my tale.”  “I should like to hear it,”  the nun replied.

        “When I was a child, we lived in a little village in the northern part of Maine.  There was no church and, as there were but three Catholic families, the priest came only once a month and said Mass in our house.

       “The preparations for the great day were always a source of much joy for us children.  My sister and I would pick the loveliest wild flowers we could find to beautify the room for its divine Guest.

        “The priest was very kind and loved children.  He gave us little gifts that charmed our young hearts.  On one occasion he brought us each a Sacred Heart badge and taught us the aspiration, ‘Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,  I place my trust I You!’  When I had reached the age of six years, I began to accompany my sister to school.

        “The path that led to the schoolhouse followed the bank of the river on which the logs floated down from the lumbers camps above the village.  My mother forbade us ever to play on the logs.  I was generally obedient, but one day decided to cross the river on them.  My sister begged me to stop, but I refused.  When I was out some distance from the shore, the log on which I stood became detached from the others.  I lost my foothold and fell backwards into the stream.  As I went down, my long, flowing hair caught in the rough wood of the log and kept me afloat.  Then through my mind flashed the words of the aspiration:  ‘Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in You.’  At once all fear left me, for I felt that the arms of our Lord would sustain me and keep me safe.

        “My sister, screaming wildly, ran along the bank, but there was no one in sight and I continued to float slowly down the river until I had nearly reached the dam.  Them a strange thing happened, for the log veered and turned in toward the shore, where my sister caught hold of the end and succeeded in pulling me to land.  Mother did not punish me, for she felt that I had already learned my lesson.  When the priest came again,  however, she told him of the narrow escape, which she attributed to the loving care of the Sacred Heart.  I have never forgotten his grave, kindly words as he laid his hand in blessing upon my head.  ‘My child, always trust in the Heart of Christ and you will never have anything to fear!”

        “Since then I have had many troubles and sorrows, but have never lost confidence in that divine Heart; I have always felt His protecting hand in every trial.”

        When she had finished, there was silence in the little room for a few minutes and then, in through the open window floated the words of a hymn that was being sung in the chapel:   “Heart of my Savior,  “Heart of my Friend, You who have loved Your own to the end, Heart ever faithful, Heart ever true, Be You forever loved and adored.”